
Custom Docker containers made on per use case basis

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Instructions for spawning your own container.

  1. cd into the folder you want to build the container for.

  2. Specify the base image you want to build the container from in the Dockerfile

  3. Put your changes that you want to do in setup.sh

  4. build the container with docker build -t <name-that-you-want-for-container>:tag . e.g. docker build -t ubuntu-xenial-kurento:latest

  5. Once the image builds you should see it in the list of downloaded docker images with docker images

  6. Sharing your image with Docker registery 6.1 Log in with your Docker ID docker login 6.2 Tag the image with following syntax docker tag image username/repository:tag e.g. docker tag ubuntu-xenial-kurento rajudev/ubuntu-xenial-kurento:latest 6.3 Run docker images to see your newly tagged image. 6.4 Upload your tagged image to the repository: syntax docker push username/repository:tag e.g. docker push rajudev/ubuntu-xenial-kurento:latest

  7. Next time just use your own container as usual docker pull <your-username>/<your-container-name> e.g. docker pull rajudev/ubuntu-xenial-kurento:latest