
Vagrant is an excellent open source tool for managing virtual machines. Vagrant provides easy to configure, reproducible, and portable work environments built on top of industry-standard technology and controlled by a single consistent workflow to help maximize the productivity and flexibility of you and your team.

##Getting Started For the quick-start, we'll bring up a development machine on VirtualBox because it is free and works on all major platforms. Vagrant can work with almost any system such as [OpenStack] (, [VMware] (, [Docker] (, etc.

First, make sure your development machine has VirtualBox installed. After this, download and install the appropriate Vagrant package for your OS.

To build your first virtual environment:

vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64;
vagrant up

Vagrant boxes

Boxes are the package format for Vagrant environments. A box can be used by anyone on any platform that Vagrant supports to bring up an identical working environment. Following for finding boxes.



##Vagrant Commands List

vagrant init [box-name] [box-url]

Initializes the current directory to be a Vagrant environment with.vagrant directory if does not already exist.

vagrant up 

For the starting the machine to create an enviroment.

vagrant status

For the showing machine status that is open or not.

vagrant halt 

For the closeing the machine.

vagrant suspend 

For the suspends a machine (remembers state).

 vagrant provision

For the forceing reprovisioning of the machine

vagrant reload 

For the restarting the machine with loads the new Vagrantfile configuration.

vagrant ssh 

For the connecting to machine via SSH

vagrant share 

For the sharing your VM and provides you with the public URL

vagrant login 

Log in to HashiCorp's Atlas on your computer

vagrant destroy 

For the deleteing the machine.

vagrant -v 

For the knowing the version

vagrant global-statu 

For the knowing state of all active environments on the system for the currently logged in user.

vagrant resume 

For this resumeing a suspended machine (vagrant up works just fine for this as well)

vagrant reload --provision 

For the restarting the machine and force provisioning.

vagrant push -- Yes 

For the configuring to deploy code.