
Google GDSC Hackathon Special Tracks Winners

Primary LanguageCSS


Rozgaar Bharat

Idea - One to One employment in Unskilled Sector

Tech Stack used is

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript
  • Firebase9
  • Bootstrap5 & TailwindCSS
  • Mailchimp API (Express JS, Node.js)
  • Agora AI,Alan AI

Team details

  • Team Name : Eavesdroppers
  • IsFresher: True
  • Members (Rajpreet Singh , Gauravdeep Singh , Garv Arora , Shriram , Om Dhawan)
  • Team Code : 6dcc7af0e5
  • Great Team!

Description of Idea


  • The unskilled in our country is not getting the pay he deserves. Most of the money they are earning is grabbed up by the middle men.
  • They have no choice in the job they are accepting.

Idea : A web app that aims at solving this problem in a way never implemented never before

We Aim at giving the job control to the worker instead of the organization and the option to select .

Now everything is transparent and can be seen from both ends , open ends , open database visible from both sides , no sense of superiority of the job provider .

The mere fact that we connect the job seekers to the job providers openly and without any tampering makes our project standout.

We aim at building a one to one system where one person will be able to accomplish his/her daily tasks just by reaching our website.

Website Link


Presentation Link

Video link