
Important Notice: This repository is a read only mirror of https://gitlab.com/rak-n-rok/krake

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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Welcome to the Krake repository! 🐙

Krake [ˈkʀaːkə] is an orchestrator engine for containerized and virtualized workloads across distributed and heterogeneous cloud platforms. It creates a thin layer of aggregation on top of the different platforms (such as OpenStack, Kubernetes or OpenShift) and presents them through a single interface to the cloud user. The user's workloads are scheduled depending on both user requirements (hardware, latencies, cost) and platforms characteristics (energy efficiency, load). The scheduling algorithm can be optimized for example on latencies, cost, or energy. Krake can be leveraged for a wide range of application scenarios such as central management of distributed compute capacities as well as application management in Edge Cloud infrastructures.

Getting Started

In order to get started and play with Krake, you'll need to deploy Krake plus at least one Kubernetes cluster to act as a backend for Krake. We recommend minikube or kind, which are a simple ways to get a Kubernetes environment for development purposes.

This section describes a quickstart for developers to get started with a Krake development setup. Advanced topics are covered in the Developer Documentation and the Admin Documentation.

Krake can also be found as a PyPi package, if an integration in another project is desired or required.


Krake deployment

Test applications

  • Zookeeper, Kafka and KSQL, for instance with the Confluent Platform. The following commands need to be available:
    • zookeeper-server-start;
    • kafka-server-start;
    • ksql-server-start.

Optional requirement:

  • CFSSL, also available in the official repository of the main distributions.
  • Prometheus, also available in the official repository of the main distributions.


Clone the repository into a location of your choice.

git clone https://gitlab.com/rak-n-rok/krake.git
cd krake

Create and activate a Python virtualenv with up-to-date versions of pip and setuptools:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip setuptools

Use pip to install Krake, rok and their dependencies into the virtualenv. Note that we install from a local path and not from PyPI, which is important!

pip install --editable ./krake
pip install --editable ./rok

For development, Krake can also be installed with additional test and development dependencies:

pip install --editable './krake[test,dev]'

Alternatively, you can setup your virtualenv with exactly the same dependencies that are used in CI. See docs/dev/dependencies.rst for details.



First, the configuration files need to be generated with a script. They can then be modified at will.

# First, start the generate script to have initial config files
krake/scripts/krake_generate_config templates/config/*.template templates/config/rok.yaml.template

krake/scripts/krake_generate_config --allow-anonymous --static-authentication-enabled templates/config/api.yaml.template

# You can then modify each file at your preference.
# afterwards create that folder which is expected:
sudo mkdir /etc/krake

# Last, copy generated files to that directory with
sudo cp *.yaml /etc/krake

# Optional: you can use the rok configuration template as you prefer. It can also be generated.
# Otherwise rok will use the default configuration
krake/scripts/krake_generate_config templates/config/rok.yaml.template

The --allow-anonymous and --static-authentication-enabled options set the API with minimal authentication and authorization protections. It should not be used with a production deployment, but are easier to work with in a test deployment. For more information, take a look at the "Security principles" chapter of the Admin Documentation.

Bootstrapping the database

The etcd database can be bootstrapped, by adding resources to it before starting Krake:

# Run the neccessary etcd server first
# NOTE: Make sure `etcd` is in your $PATH
# Create roles for the RBAC authorization mode.
krake_bootstrap_db templates/bootstrapping/base_roles.yaml

# Create metrics and metrics providers, for development purposes.
krake_bootstrap_db support/prometheus_metrics.yaml support/static_metrics.yaml

Basic Usage

This provides a simple demonstration of Krake's functionalities. Please refer to the User Documentation for extended usage guidelines, explanations, and examples.

Prepare Kubernetes environment

Initialize folders needed to store certificates and configuration files. These will be used in the next steps.

# In Krake folder execute this command
mkdir -p cluster_certs/certs cluster_certs/config

Setup Kubernetes cluster

Use any Kubernetes cluster you prefer. For starters, we recommend either minikube or kinD as a first cluster.


Create a minikube instance and download the kubeconfig file, as well as the certificate and key file necessary to connect to your minikube instance.

minikube start
# Copy client and ca certificate to the above created folders
cp ~/.minikube/profiles/minikube/client.* cluster_certs/certs
cp ~/.minikube/ca.crt cluster_certs/certs

# Copy/generate config.yaml for later use with krake
minikube kubectl config view >> cluster_certs/config/minikube_conf.yaml

# Adjust the following paths in the copied config.yaml:
# - clusters.*.cluster.certificate-authority: "./cluster_certs/certs/ca.crt"
# - users.*.user.client-certificate: "./cluster_certs/certs/client.crt"
# - users.*.user.client-key: "./cluster_certs/certs/client.key"

Attention: If you have installed both kind and minikube this command would list both configurations. In this case, you should remove the kind configuration.

Here you can see an example configuration of minikube for Krake:

apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
    certificate-authority: /home/USER/repos/krake/cluster_certs/certs/ca.crt
    - extension:
        last-update: Wed, 30 Mar 2022 12:36:02 CEST
        provider: minikube.sigs.k8s.io
        version: v1.23.2
      name: cluster_info
  name: minikube2
- context:
    cluster: minikube2
    - extension:
        last-update: Wed, 30 Mar 2022 12:36:02 CEST
        provider: minikube.sigs.k8s.io
        version: v1.23.2
      name: context_info
    namespace: default
    user: minikube2
  name: minikube2
current-context: minikube2
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: minikube2
    client-certificate: /home/USER/repos/krake/cluster_certs/certs/client.crt
    client-key: /home/USER/repos/krake/cluster_certs/certs/client.key

Create a kind instance and save the kubeconfig file in the cluster_certs directory


# Set the name of your k8s cluster
# Start single node k8s cluster
kind create cluster --name $CLUSTER_NAME --kubeconfig cluster_certs/config/$CLUSTER_NAME.yaml

Starting all components

All services can be run as Python modules with the -m option of the Python interpreter:

# Run etcd server. This will store the data in "tmp/etcd".

# Run prometheus server. This will store the data in "tmp/prometheus".

# Run the API
python3 -m krake.api

# Run the Garbage Collector
python3 -m krake.controller.gc

# Run the krake Scheduler
python3 -m krake.controller.scheduler

# Run the Kubernetes cluster controller
python3 -m krake.controller.kubernetes.cluster

# Run the Kubernetes application controller
python3 -m krake.controller.kubernetes.application

# Run the Infrastructure controller
python3 -m krake.controller.infrastructure

There is also a script (see snippets section on git) provided in the git repository to start all parts of Krake using „tmux“.

For both options, these commands as well as the following rok commands must be run inside the ./krake subdirectory.

Using the Krake CLI

Finally we can:

  1. Register a Kubernetes cluster as a Krake backend
  2. Use Krake to deploy an echoserver application to test the setup

The following example shows these basics:

# List current clusters; there should be none
$ rok kube cluster list
| name | namespace | labels | created | modified | deleted | state |

# Register your minikube instance
$ rok kube cluster register -k cluster_certs/config/minikube_conf.yaml
| name             | minikube2           |
| namespace        | system:admin        |
| labels           | None                |
| created          | 2022-03-30 16:00:21 |
| modified         | 2022-03-30 16:00:21 |
| deleted          | None                |
| state            | ONLINE              |
| custom_resources | []                  |
| metrics          | []                  |
| failing_metrics  | None                |

# Now there is a cluster named minikube2
$ rok kube cluster list
|   name    |  namespace   | labels |       created       |      modified       | deleted | state  |
| minikube2 | system:admin | None   | 2022-03-30 16:00:21 | 2022-03-30 16:00:21 | None    | ONLINE |

# Run an application on Krake
$ rok kube app create -f ../examples/templates/applications/echo-demo.yaml echo-demo
| name                  | echo-demo           |
| namespace             | system:admin        |
| labels                | None                |
| created               | 2022-03-30 16:01:03 |
| modified              | 2022-03-30 16:01:03 |
| deleted               | None                |
| state                 | PENDING             |
| reason                | None                |
| services              | None                |
| allow migration       | True                |
| label constraints     | []                  |
| resources constraints | []                  |
| hooks                 | []                  |
| scheduled_to          | None                |
| scheduled             | None                |
| running_on            | None                |

# Check the status of the application
$ rok kube app get echo-demo
| name                  | echo-demo                                                                                 |
| namespace             | system:admin                                                                              |
| labels                | None                                                                                      |
| created               | 2022-03-30 16:01:03                                                                       |
| modified              | 2022-03-30 16:01:05                                                                       |
| deleted               | None                                                                                      |
| state                 | RUNNING                                                                                   |
| reason                | None                                                                                      |
| services              | echo-demo:                                                             |
| allow migration       | True                                                                                      |
| label constraints     | []                                                                                        |
| resources constraints | []                                                                                        |
| hooks                 | []                                                                                        |
| scheduled_to          | {'kind': 'Cluster', 'api': 'kubernetes', 'name': 'minikube2', 'namespace': 'system:admin'}|
| scheduled             | 2022-03-30 16:01:04                                                                       |
| running_on            | {'kind': 'Cluster', 'api': 'kubernetes', 'name': 'minikube2', 'namespace': 'system:admin'}|

# Access the application
$ curl

Hostname: echo-demo-6ff4d6b744-mcxhb

Pod Information:
  -no pod information available-

Server values:
  server_version=nginx: 1.13.3 - lua: 10008

Request Information:
  real path=/

Request Headers:

Request Body:
  -no body in request-

# Delete the application
$ rok kube app delete echo-demo
| name                  | echo-demo                                     |
| namespace             | system:admin                                  |
| labels                | None                                          |
| created               | 2022-03-30 16:09:34                           |
| modified              | 2022-03-30 16:09:34                           |
| deleted               | 2022-03-30 16:11:30                           |
| state                 | FAILED                                        |
| reason                | code: NO_SUITABLE_RESOURCE                    |
|                       | message: No matching Kubernetes cluster found |
| services              | None                                          |
| allow migration       | True                                          |
| label constraints     | []                                            |
| resources constraints | []                                            |
| hooks                 | []                                            |
| scheduled_to          | None                                          |
| scheduled             | None                                          |
| running_on            | None                                          |

# Delete the cluster
$ rok kube cluster delete minikube2
| name             | minikube2           |
| namespace        | system:admin        |
| labels           | None                |
| created          | 2022-03-30 16:00:21 |
| modified         | 2022-03-30 16:00:21 |
| deleted          | 2022-03-30 16:08:18 |
| state            | ONLINE              |
| custom_resources | []                  |
| metrics          | []                  |
| failing_metrics  | None                |

# Check that cluster is deleted
$ rok kube cluster list
| name | namespace | labels | created | modified | deleted | state |

Advanced setups

Krake can use metrics and/or labels to schedule applications to specific clusters or clusters to specific clouds based on the calculated metric values from the scheduling algorithm and the label constraints of the resources.

Possible usable Metrics Providers can be found in the corresponding documentation section.

To work with these more complex examples, see the respective User Stories about Metrics and Labels.


Tests are placed in the tests/ directory inside the Python packages and can be run via pytest. (pytest should have been installed previously as a development dependency)

# Run tests of the "krake" package
pytest krake/tests

# Run tests of the "rok" package
pytest rok/tests


The project's documentation is hosted on Read the Docs.

Get in touch!

If you need help to setup things, have a question, or simply want to chat with us, find us on our Krake Matrix room.

If you wish to contribute, you can also check the Contributing guide.

Further detailed information can also be found on our website at krake.cloud.

Project Background

The Rak'n'Rok project has initially been developed at Cloud&Heat. The development of Krake was transformed to an open source project in September 2019.