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Repository was created using ruby-3.1.0 and rails-7.0.3 via:

rails new groupthink --database=postgresql --asset-pipeline=propshaft
                     --javascript=importmap --skip-action-mailer
                     --skip-action-cable --skip-active-storage



For production, the included Dockerfile should be sufficient. The entry point is a shell script that verifies the dependencies, runs rails db:prepare and some other minor checks and setup and then executes puma. Set the appropriate environment variables, including RAILS_ENV=production, database configuration and a SECRET_KEY_BASE that would otherwise be in master.key. See .env-example.

For development, the included docker-compose.yml will run the application and a postgres container alongside. The application files will be shared with the container, and the entry point will be rails server. You will need to set POSTGRES_PASSWORD in .env for initial setup of the database container. See .env-example.

The file db/seeds.rb contains data essential for a brand new database to function properly (that the app assumes is always there, essentially). Seed data will always load for production. For development, the data modeled within tests/fixtures/ can be loaded into the development database by running:

$ rails db:fixtures:load

This is the data I use for development, and it is designed with both development and testing in mind.


In lieu of CLI flags, Rails uses RAILS_ENV to determine the current environment. For development you can usually leave this alone as it defaults to "development," but if you want production you need to set RAILS_ENV.

Rails uses a postgresql database, specified via environment variables:


Set these or use a .env file. See .env-example.

For initial database setup:

$ rails db:prepare

This will create the database if it doesn't exist, and running migrations if it does.


There exists a comprehensive test suite including controller, integration, model, and system tests.

$ rails test $ rails test:system

System tests utilizes capybara and selenium. You will need chromedriver and Google Chrome installed. The system tests will not run in the docker image.

So long, and thanks for all the fish.