PEAT 2.0 Directions on how to view your video file after running the prophylactic rool (using FFMPEG): 1. Unzip and install FFMPEG for your Windows system ( and take note of the directory 2. Right click 'this PC' or 'My Computer' and select Properties > Advanced System Settings > Advanced tab > Environment Variables 3. Select System Variable (or create new variable) called 'Path' and set value to {directory of FFMPEG}\ffmpeg\bin\ 4. Now navigate to your Frames directory for your project folder using the command 'cd {PEAT directory}/myProject/frames/' *Make sure to replace {PEAT directory} and myProject with the appropriate directories 5. Run the following command 'ffmpeg -framerate 60 -i %d.jpg video.mp4' where video.mp4 is whatever you would like to name your video 6. Your video will be in the frames directory! Troubleshooting if Video is not loading in PEAT: Download and install K-Lite Code Pack (