
Web Application with Angular and .NET Core(5.0)

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Angular - .NET Core APP

Angular v13

.Net 5.0

.NET Build Angular Build

Angular app with dotnet core web api and mssql as backend (Code first approach)

Some major Components Used

Angular Material

Swagger UI


points to note
  • Migration Commands (in Nuget console)

    • add migration <name>
    • update-database
  • Use inbuilt Swagger or else postman and use the APIs to add some dummy data to table

  • Run the WebAPI first(recommeneded to run from visual studio)

  • Then run the angular app

    • npm i
    • ng serve
  • If converting to db first approach

    • SQL Commands for creating the tables are provided in dbcommands folder

Known Errors

  • If any error pops up regarding namespaces, add the reference to the DataAccess project or dll from the webapi project
  • If angular app is giving any compilation error, run npm i again


  • If you are planning on a db first approach to modify the project
    • Command for creating models from db
      • scaffold-dbcontext "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=CompanyDB; Integrated Security=true" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -outputdir Models
