This is a helper to compile and deploy smart contracts through geth.

Install solc compiler.

Move solc_helper to somewhere in your path. To compile your code run

solc_helper contract.sol

This will generate a javascript file and print out a statement like the following.


Paste this statement into the geth console. Your code will be loaded and your contract will be deployed automatically.

There are also a few helper functions to easily deploy the contracts.

deploy(account, value, gas, contract, code, input=optional);

You can use them to deploy the contract.

var contract = create(;
var instance = deploy(eth.coinbase, 0, 10000, contract, compiled.SimpleStorage.code,10);
var instance = deploy(eth.coinbase, 10, 10000, contract, compiled.SimpleStorage.code); // if there are no constructor parameters.

To call a function in the contract you can use the call function

call(accountIndex, gas, contractInstance.function, input);

//For example to call using ether from eth.accounts[1]
call(1, 100000, multiplier.multiply, 1, 2);

To watch an event you can use the watcher function.


To send some ether from your account to another. You can use send function

send(accountIndex, toAccount, valueInEther, gas);

//For example to send some ether from eth.accounts[2]
send(2, '0xb8290f9757b5c9daa11a8016d663829af812fc0e', 10, 30000);

Use bal() function to check balance of all accounts.

The script will also printout the gas estimates when you try to compile.