Serenity BDD Framework with customized features: Author : Rakesh Choorikkadu
Custom Feature : 1. Used sure-fire plugin to run the Test cases in paralle 2. Included Java log to print the output messages and service service which elimintae systerm.out practice 3. Capable to view both Serenity Report and Cucumber JVM Report 4. Lots of Helpers are included in the Framework to fast track the scripting and avoid duplication 5. Front-end, API [Rest & SOAP] and Mobile Automation can be scripted in this single framework 6. Run time JAX-WS Class generation using 'jaxws-maven-plugin' which is mainly for SOAP Service Automation 7. Java multi-threadding concept used to run the single test case with multiple test data [Multiple browser] 8. Framework also capable to read the Test Data from Excel file apart from the feature file
Commands :
- To run the Sanity Test cases clean install -P domain-test -Dwebdriver.driver=chrome -Dwebdriver.base.url= -Dtest.tagnames=SanityTest -Dmaven.test.skip=false -Dtest.threadcount=1
- To generate the JAX-WS class run time clean install generate-sources -Ppackage-test [Use this command in Jenkins]
- Change the chrome driver path accordingly. Currently the driver is located srs/test/resources/driver/ If you are using windows os find out your chromedriver.exe path and update the same in file
- In case of any confusion on the maven comment mention in Step1, use mvn clean install which will run all the test cases with default settings in the file
Test Reports Path : Serenity Report - target/site/serenity/index.html HTML Report - target/Destination/TestCaseName/index.html Json Report - target/cucumber-report/TestCaseName.json
Additional Configuration /Settings : Refer and src/test/resources/