MEAN Demo App

This is a sample MEAN demo app with full CRUD functionality.


Download and Install in local system if not available and following the below steps.

  1. Create db named bookstore and collections name books & geners.
  2. Run the mongod. It will waiting for connections on port 27017.

As soon as application will run mongodb will connect with node backend services.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

Install nodemon globally. yarn add global nodemon

yarn or yarn install to get the dependencies

yarn start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:8000 to view it in the browser.

yarn lint

For code linting (used eslint recommended rules). Check against 'app.js' 'route.js' 'config.js' 'server/**/*.js' 'public/**/*.js' 0 Errors || 0 Warning

Routes Available within the Application

  1. Home or Book lists http://localhost:8000 to view it in the browser.
  2. Book lists http://localhost:8000/#!/books to view all available books in store.
  3. Book detail http://localhost:8000/#!/books/detail/id.
  4. Add new book http://localhost:8000/#!/books/add.
  5. Edit existing book info http://localhost:8000/#!/books/edit/id.

APIs Expose from Node


  1. Books list. GET http://localhost:8000/thesys/api/books.
  2. Book Detail. GET http://localhost:8000/thesys/api/book/id.
  3. Add Book. POST http://localhost:8000/thesys/api/book/.
  4. Edit Book. PUT http://localhost:8000/thesys/api/book/id.
  5. Delete Book. DELETE http://localhost:8000/thesys/api/book/id.