WP Installer

This bash is a wordpress and mysql database creator. This simple script comes in handy if you are using a non standard wordpress hosting like digitalocean or amazon aws where access to cpanel is not available.

How to use

Clone the code

sudo git clone https://github.com/radon1284/wp-installer.git

create database

  1. Move mysql.sh to current directory
sudo mv wp-installer/mysql.sh $PWD
  1. Once move change the user permission to 775
sudo chmod +x mysql.sh
  1. Run the command
  1. Save the Database name, Username and password as you need it on wp-installer.sh

Run The WP Installer Command

  1. Move wp-installer.sh to current directory
sudo mv wp-installer/wp-installer.sh $PWD
  1. Once move change the user permission to 775
sudo chmod +x wp-installer.sh
  1. Run the command