Star Gadget

StarGadget is an E-commerce website that sells Computers and Computer Accessories Online. The website is developed by Next.js. The website is partially cloned from StarTech.


  • Static+SSG+ISR+SSR page Generation.
  • Multiple Nested Layout. Layout System
  • Nested and Dynamic Routes. Routing System
  • Google + Github Authentication. Build-in Next-auth
  • Builder Pages are Protected. Private Routes
  • Mongodb at Api Route for backend. Api route
  • Develop by Ant Design + Tailwind CSS. Pre-rendered
  • Optimized and SEO friendly.
  • Real Life Products Data Integrated.
  • StarGadget is Partially cloned from StarTech.

Run on Development Server

  • Clone the stargadget repository.
  • Install all packages. npm install
  • Create .env file:
  • Run on the development server. npm run dev

Home Page

Category Pages

Product Pages

Builder Pages

Choose Pages

Login/Register Pages

Others Pages