This is a starter template for project that needs nestJS backend. This version uses graphql and typeorm with mysql. This follows best practice that is mentioned at the NestJS documentation. This package handled authentication using @nestjs/jwt
and seeding is handled by nestjs-seeder
first run this script:
npm i
then after verifying that your database is running and env file (please refer to sample.env) is ready you may build the project with:
npm run build
and run this project with this script:
npm run start:dev
to generate migration file make sure your project is built first using this script,
npm run build
then run this script:
npm run migration-gen
then build project with new migration file by running this script:
npm run build
now you can run migration file using this script:
npm run migration-run
before starting seeding procedure make sure your project is built, then register an account for yourself, get the hashed password, go to user schema and update
'$2b$10$/3sioxoWNCCo3g/efr.cXuuXNvUWcPJM/PoBmKNVcHTaXtvgASF7C', // You have to make change here
this is going to be default password for all seed users. finally run this script:
npm run seed
to drop all database and go back to the stage after migration-run, run this script:
npm run schema-drop