
Sample for creating and retrieving Keyvault secret in Azure Stack

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Topic Languages Products Services
Azure Stack Hub

Official Microsoft Sample

A sample code to create or update keyvault and create or update secret in a keyvault


File/folder Description
index.js Sample source code.
.gitignore Define what to ignore at commit time.
package.json Define dependencies.
README.md This README file.
LICENSE The license for the sample.


Refer to this azure stack doc for prerequisites (link)[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure-stack/user/azure-stack-version-profile-nodejs].


Set following environment variables:

Variable Description
CLIENT_APP_ID Service principal application id
CLIENT_OBJECT_ID Service principal object id
CLIENT_SECRET Service principal application secret
TENANT_ID Azure Stack Hub tenant ID
SUBSCRIPTION_ID Subscription id used to access offers in Azure Stack Hub
ARM_ENDPOINT Azure Stack Hub Resource Manager Endpoint
LOCATION Resource location

Service principal example:


Secret                : System.Security.SecureString                                 # CLIENT_SECRET
ServicePrincipalNames : {bd6bb75f-5fd6-4db9-91b7-4a6941e7feb9, http://azs-sptest01}
ApplicationId         : bd6bb75f-5fd6-4db9-91b7-4a6941e7feb9                         # CLIENT_APP_ID
DisplayName           : azs-sptest01
Id                    : 36a22ee4-e2b0-411d-8f21-0ea8b4b5c46f                         # CLIENT_OBJECT_ID
AdfsId                : 
Type                  : ServicePrincipal


ApplicationIdentifier : S-1-5-21-2937821301-3551617933-4294865508-76632              # CLIENT_OBJECT_ID
ClientId              : 7591924e-0341-4812-8d23-52ef0aa27eff                         # CLIENT_APP_ID                   
Thumbprint            : 
ApplicationName       : Azurestack-azs-sptest01
ClientSecret          : <Redacted>                                                   # CLIENT_SECRET
PSComputerName        : <Redacted>
RunspaceId            : e841cbbc-3d8e-45fd-b63f-42adbfbf664b

Running the sample

From root folder

npm install
node .\index.js


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