
Initial file setup for login/signup of user using passport.js and express. Also includes OAuth2 authentication.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Initial file setup for login/signup of user using passport.js and express. Also includes OAuth2 authentication.

Previous Commits

The previous commits use different authentication methods such as:

  1. Using Mongoose encryption
  2. Hashing using md5
  3. Hashing and Salting with bcrypt
  4. Cookies and Sessions using passport.js

The recent HEAD points to OAuth2 Authentication from third party applications.

You can always go to a previous commit and use that particular authentication method.


  1. Clone the repository or simply download the zip file.

  2. Use the package manager npm to install Authentication.

npm install


Create a .env file in the root directory and add paste the following code snippet:


MONGO_URI=---Mongo DB Url---

GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=---Google Client ID---
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=---Google Client Secret---

FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID=---Facebook Client ID---
FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET=---Facebook Client Secret---

GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=---GitHub Client ID---
GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=---GitHub Client Secret---

Change the Mongo DB Url and your Client ID and Client Secret for OAuth2 authentication.

Running Server

npm start

Server starts listening at localhost:3000