
Gender Classifier, Price Predictor, Human Behavior Predictor and other Insights from Machine Learning.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Some of My Machine-Learning Projects

Here are some of my ML projects. This even includes my Kaggle solutions too.

Gender Classifer

Given Certain features of a specific individual this model predicts whether the data is either a male or female. Typically classification model. This is verified on various models such as MLPClassifier, KNeighborsClassifier, GaussianNB, Treeclassifier. This includes an accuracy score monitor that indicates the % of correctness in the predictions made.

Linear Regression

Includes two price predictors and behavior predictors, where the default sklearn boston house and another fiticious dataset is used. Additionally, it includes a predictive model for fiticious company where the intent is to understand and predict human behaviour on their platforms such as web and app which enables decision makers to dictate the company's marketing efforts.

Cancer - Predicting if breast cancer is Malignant or Benign

Given Certain features of a specific female individual this model predicts whether the individual's cancer is malignant or benign. Uses SVM and standard scaling.

Recommender System - Collaborative, Hybrid.

Suggests movies based on similar interests from other users.

Natural Language Processing - Classifying Spam or Ham Texts

On a whole bunch of corpus, the classifier model uses NLP to regard an incoming text as Spam or Ham.

Unsupervised learning - Categorizing universites as Private or Public

Uses unsupervised learning to group the given universities in the dataset to be regarded as either private or public.