MLCommons™ Algorithmic Efficiency

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CI Lint License: Apache 2.0 Code style: yapf

MLCommons Algorithmic Efficiency is a benchmark and competition measuring neural network training speedups due to algorithmic improvements in both training algorithms and models. This repository holds the competition rules and the benchmark code to run it.


  1. Create new environment, e.g. via conda or virtualenv:

    Python minimum requirement >= 3.7

     sudo apt-get install python3-venv
     python3 -m venv env
     source env/bin/activate
  2. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd algorithmic-efficiency
  3. Install the algorithmic_efficiency package:

    pip3 install -e .

    You can also install the requirements for individual workloads, e.g. via

    pip3 install -e '.[librispeech]'

    or all workloads at once via

    pip3 install -e '.[full]'

    Depending on the framework you want to use (e.g. JAX or PyTorch) you need to install them as well. You could either do this manually or by adding the corresponding options:

    JAX (GPU)

    pip3 install -e '.[jax_gpu]' -f ''

    JAX (CPU)

    pip3 install -e '.[jax_cpu]'

    PyTorch (GPU)

    pip3 install -e '.[pytorch_gpu]' -f ''

    PyTorch (CPU)

    pip3 install -e '.[pytorch_cpu]'


    To use the development tools such as pytest or pylint use the dev option:

    pip3 install -e '.[dev]'

    To get an installation with the requirements for all workloads and development, use the argument [full_dev].


Docker is the easiest way to enable PyTorch/JAX GPU support on Linux since only the NVIDIA® GPU driver is required on the host machine (the NVIDIA® CUDA® Toolkit does not need to be installed).

Docker requirements

  • Install Docker on your local host machine.

  • For GPU support on Linux, install NVIDIA Docker support.

    • Take note of your Docker version with docker -v. Versions earlier than 19.03 require nvidia-docker2 and the --runtime=nvidia flag. On versions including and after 19.03, you will use the nvidia-container-toolkit package and the --gpus all flag. Both options are documented on the page linked above.


  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
  2. Build Docker

    cd algorithmic-efficiency/ && sudo docker build -t algorithmic-efficiency .
  3. Run Docker

    sudo docker run --gpus all -it --rm -v $PWD:/home/ubuntu/algorithmic-efficiency --ipc=host algorithmic-efficiency

    Currently docker method installs both PyTorch and JAX

Running a workload


python3 \
    --framework=jax \
    --workload=mnist \
    --submission_path=baselines/mnist/mnist_jax/ \


python3 \
    --framework=pytorch \
    --workload=mnist \
    --submission_path=baselines/mnist/mnist_pytorch/ \

When using multiple GPUs on a single node it is recommended to use PyTorch's distributed data parallel. To do so, simply replace python3 by

torchrun --standalone --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=N_GPUS

where N_GPUS is the number of available GPUs on the node.


The rules for the MLCommons Algorithmic Efficency benchmark can be found in the seperate rules document. Suggestions, clarifications and questions can be raised via pull requests.


If you are interested in contributing to the work of the working group, feel free to join the weekly meetings, open issues, and see the MLCommons contributing guidelines.