


Actions (WIP)

  1. Trigger: When a task is moved to the "In Progress" section of GitHub Projects.
  2. Create an Issue:
    • The issue title will be the same as the task title.
    • The issue will be automatically assigned to the person who moved the task.
  3. Create a Branch:
    • The branch name will follow your naming convention and will use the issue title.

How to contribute

  1. Go to porject
  2. Select task from todo.
  3. Create issue by clicking on the Convert to issue.
  4. Under the Development section on the right click Create a branch (Keep the Branch source to main).
  5. Write the description body check list of the changes.
  6. Make desired changes to the branch.
  7. Create pull request](https://github.com/rakshyak-98/pokemon-card-game/pulls) to the main.
  8. Label the issue with complete after all taks is complete.
  9. Wait for Pull request review and approval.

CodeQL (WIP)

Descover vulnerabilities across a codebase with CodeQL.

Purpose of Using CodeQL

  • Automated Vulnerability Detection: CodeQL helps identify security flaws like buffer overflows, injection attacks, and other potential issues automatically.
  • Custom Query Capabilities: Developers can write and share custom queries to detect specific patterns in the codebase, enabling targeted analysis.
  • Code Quality Improvement: Beyond security, CodeQL assists in identifying code smells and anti-patterns that degrade code quality.
  • CI/CD Integration: CodeQL integrates into CI/CD pipelines to ensure continuous monitoring of code for vulnerabilities, preventing issues before they make it to production.
  • Cross-Language Support: It supports multiple languages, making it useful across diverse projects within the team.