
Learn essential Go language

Primary LanguageGo


  • While learn Go, focus on engineering practice rather than syntax
  • function main in package main
  • public method starts with uppercase, private mthod starts with lowercase
  • Go has zero value
  • No matter how many files in the package, Go considers each file as a package
  • Test file name convention: xxx_test.go
  • Go doesn't allow to declare var without using it, use _ instead
  • go mod tidy to install dependencies, it generate go.sum (yarn.lock)
  • Go doesn't accept slice (array) with different specific length on function argument
  • Go requires comma on struct declaration so that we won't have to remove comma on last element
var p Person = Person{
			Age: 30,
			Name: "John",


To compile and run Go program:

$ go run main.go

To initialize new module in current directory:

$ go mod init github.com/raksit31667/goessentials

To add missing and remove unused modules:

$ go mod tidy

To see environment variables:

$ go env

To compile Go package and dependencies:

$ go build -o ./goessentials

To run test packages:

$ go test ./...