
MQTT Device Client for Azure IoT Hub and other MQTT Brokers

Primary LanguageC#


Nuget Nuget Nuget Nuget Nuget Nuget

Rido.IoTClient CI

Note:> Beta Feed on MyGet: https://www.myget.org/F/ridopackages/api/v3/index.json

This project implements a MQTT device client for Azure IoT Hub, providing three layers of abstraction:

  • Layer 1. Connection enabling BYO MQTT library
  • Layer 2. Implements Azure IoT Hub primitives
  • Layer 3. Provides a typed API to implement IoT Plug and Play devices


See this sample for a complete project

using Rido.Mqtt.HubClient;
using Rido.Mqtt.MqttNet3Adapter;

IMqttBaseClient adapter = await new MqttNetClientConnectionFactory()
var client = new HubMqttClient(adapter);

// Send Telemetry
var puback = await client.SendTelemetryAsync(new { workingSet = Environment.WorkingSet });

// Report properties
var v = await client.ReportPropertyAsync(new { started = DateTime.Now });
_logger.LogInformation($"Property updated with version {v}");

// Retrieve Twin
var twin = await client.GetTwinAsync();

// Implement a command
client.OnCommandReceived = async m =>
    _logger.LogInformation("Processing command: " + m.CommandName);
    return await Task.FromResult(new CommandResponse()
        Status = 200,
        ReponsePayload = JsonSerializer.Serialize(new { myResponse = "whatever" })

// Implement desired property updates
client.OnPropertyUpdateReceived = async m =>
    _logger.LogInformation("Processing desired: " + m.ToJsonString());
    return await Task.FromResult(new GenericPropertyAck
        Value = m.ToJsonString(),
        Status = 200,
        Version = m["$version"].GetValue<int>()

Connection Settings

This library implements a compatible connection string with Azure IoT SDK Device Client, and adds some new properties:

  • HostName Azure IoT Hub hostname (FQDN)
  • IdScope DPS IdScope
  • DeviceId Device Identity
  • SharedAccessKey Device Shared Access Key
  • X509Key pathtopfx>|<pfxpassword or thumbprint to search in CurrentUser\My certificate store
  • ModelId DTDL Model ID in DTMI format to create PnP Devices
  • ModuleId IoTHub Device Module Identity
  • Auth Device Authentication: [SAS, X509, Basic]
  • SasMinutes SasToken expire time in minutes, default to 60.
  • UserName Username to be used to authenticate with MQTT Brokers
  • Password Username to be used to authenticate with MQTT Brokers
  • ClientId Client ID used when connecting to MQTT Brokers (IoT Hub requires used deviceId as clientId)
  • KeepAliveInSeconds Seconds to send keep alive packets, default to 60
  • CleanSession Establish the connection with a clean session, default to true
  • TcpPort Sets the TCP port for the MQTT connection, defaults to 8883
  • UseTls Enable/Disable Server TLS connection, defaults to true

Sample Connection Strings

Azure IoT Hub


Azure Device Provisioning Service


Azure IoT Plug and Play


Using Certificates


Advanced Connection Options


Connecting to a MQTT Broker


Note: All samples use the connection settings in the ConnectionString configuration, available in the appSettings.json file, or as the environment variable ConnectionString__Key.

DPS Support

There is a DPS MQTT client implemented in Rido.Mqtt.DpsClient based on the same IMqttBaseClient interface.

The Connection Settings allow to use DPS (useful to connect to IoT Central) by adding the IdScope, when found it will provision the device using Rido.Mqtt.DpsClient.

To support IoTHub connection strings, and DPS connection strings, the project Rido.Mqtt.AzIoTClient includes a single entry point:

using Rido.Mqtt.AzIoTClient;
var hub = await HubDpsFactory.CreateFromConnectionStringAsync(cs);

Advanced Samples


This library allows to work with any MQTT Library by implementing the IMqttBaseClient interface defined in Rido.MqttCore assembly.

There are 3 adapters showing how to implement the interface for MQTTNet3, MQTTNet4-preview and M2MMqttDotnetCore, all in the mqtt-adapters folder.

HubMqttClient can be initialized with any of these adapters by using the constructor:

//IMqttBaseClient adapter = await new MqttNet3Adapter.MqttNetClientConnectionFactory().CreateHubClientAsync(_configuration.GetConnectionString("cs"), stoppingToken);
//IMqttBaseClient adapter = await new MqttNet4Adapter.MqttNetClientConnectionFactory().CreateHubClientAsync(_configuration.GetConnectionString("cs"),stoppingToken);
IMqttBaseClient adapter = await new M2MAdapter.M2MClientConnectionFactory().CreateHubClientAsync(_configuration.GetConnectionString("cs"), stoppingToken);
var client = new HubMqttClient(adapter);

Note: By default the MQTTNet3 adapter is using in the CreateFromConnectionStringAsync method.

IoT Plug and Play

The library also allows a high-level API to implement IoT Plug and Play concepts:

  • Telemetry
  • ReadOnlyProperty
  • WritableProperty
  • Command<Request, Response>

Full sample available in layer3-sample

Given a DTDL interface like

  "@context": "dtmi:dtdl:context;2",
  "@id": "dtmi:rido:pnp:memmon;1",
  "@type": "Interface",
  "contents": [
      "@type": "Property",
      "name": "started",
      "schema": "dateTime"
      "@type": "Property",
      "name": "enabled",
      "schema": "boolean",
      "writable": true
      "@type": [ "Property", "TimeSpan" ],
      "name": "interval",
      "schema": "integer",
      "writable": true,
      "unit": "second"
      "@type": [ "Telemetry", "DataSize" ],
      "name": "workingSet",
      "schema": "double",
      "unit": "byte"
      "@type": "Command",
      "name": "getRuntimeStats",

Note: full interface available here

We can generate a supporting class like

internal class dtmi_rido_pnp_memmon : HubMqttClient, Imemmon
    const string modelId = "dtmi:rido:pnp:memmon;1";

    public IReadOnlyProperty<DateTime> Property_started { get; set; }
    public IWritableProperty<bool> Property_enabled { get; set; }
    public IWritableProperty<int> Property_interval { get; set; }
    public ITelemetry<double> Telemetry_workingSet { get; set; }
    public ICommand<Cmd_getRuntimeStats_Request, Cmd_getRuntimeStats_Response> Command_getRuntimeStats { get; set; }

    private dtmi_rido_pnp_memmon(IHubMqttClient c) : base(c.Connection)
        Property_started = new ReadOnlyProperty<DateTime>(c.Connection, "started");
        Property_interval = new WritableProperty<int>(c.Connection, "interval");
        Property_enabled = new WritableProperty<bool>(c.Connection, "enabled");
        Telemetry_workingSet = new Telemetry<double>(c.Connection, "workingSet");
        Command_getRuntimeStats = new Command<Cmd_getRuntimeStats_Request, Cmd_getRuntimeStats_Response>(c.Connection, "getRuntimeStats");

    internal static async Task<dtmi_rido_pnp_memmon> CreateAsync(string connectionString, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
        var mqtt = await HubMqttClient.CreateFromConnectionStringAsync(connectionString + ";ModelId=" + modelId, cancellationToken);
        var client = new dtmi_rido_pnp_memmon(mqtt);
        return client;

Offering a typed interface to implement the device logic

protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
    var client = await dtmi_rido_pnp_memmon.CreateAsync(_configuration.GetConnectionString("dps"), stoppingToken);

    var twin = await client.GetTwinAsync(stoppingToken);

    client.Command_getRuntimeStats.OnCmdDelegate = async cmd =>
        _logger.LogInformation("CMD getRuntimeStats");
        await Task.Delay(500);
        return new Cmd_getRuntimeStats_Response
            diagnosticResults = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                { "machineName", Environment.MachineName },
                { "osVersion", Environment.OSVersion.ToString() }
            Status = 200

    client.Property_interval.OnProperty_Updated += async p =>
        await Task.Yield();
        _logger.LogInformation("Received property interval");
        client.Property_interval.PropertyValue.Value = p.Value;

        return new PropertyAck<int>(p.Name)
            Value = p.Value,
            Status = 200,
            Version = p.Version

    await client.Property_interval.InitPropertyAsync(twin, 2, stoppingToken);
    await client.Property_enabled.InitPropertyAsync(twin, true, stoppingToken);

    client.Property_started.PropertyValue = DateTime.Now;
    await client.Property_started.ReportPropertyAsync(stoppingToken);

    while (!stoppingToken.IsCancellationRequested)
        await client.Telemetry_workingSet.SendTelemetryAsync(Environment.WorkingSet, stoppingToken);
        await Task.Delay(client.Property_interval.PropertyValue.Value * 1000, stoppingToken);