
Very simple Python script to create /etc/fstab entries for Samba shares

Primary LanguagePython


This is a very simple Python script for generating /etc/fstab remote mounts, specifically catered towards Samba (SMB) shares.

I have a NAS with over 20 attached folders, so setting up shares manually would've taken too long and been too error-prone.

By filling out a simple CSV file and creating a credentials file, you can have a formatted /etc/fstab generated for you.

CSV screenshot

In addition to the formatting, this script can automatically retrieve user and group IDs from the username provided, which is useful for systems with multiple users.


usage: fstab_generator_for_smb.py [-h] -f INPUT_CSV_FILE -i REMOTE_IP_ADDRESS [-r REMAINING_TEXT]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f INPUT_CSV_FILE, --input-csv-file INPUT_CSV_FILE
                        The CSV filepath to read from
  -i REMOTE_IP_ADDRESS, --remote-ip-address REMOTE_IP_ADDRESS
                        The IP address of the remote share. Only tested with IPv4
  -r REMAINING_TEXT, --remaining-text REMAINING_TEXT
                        Any remaining text to add in the line