
some blockchain

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


A proof-of-work blockchain that maintains a ledger of coin balances like Bitcoin.

This repository contains the software to run a stoken node which runs the proof-of-work (PoW) algorithm, participates in a peer-to-peer gossip protocol and offers RPC endpoints to inspect the node's state.


This blockchain is NOT secure. Use at your own peril! If you would like to learn the fundamentals of how you might build a blockchain, study this repo. The core functionality of something like Bitcoin exists but finer details around security, in particular around block and transaction validation, are not implemented so if this chain is used at scale it is likely to be attacked profitably.

Block and transaction data is currently not persisted; you will have to sync the chain from scratch when you boot.

There is an option to persist keys -- refer to the key-store code in dev/dev.clj. Public/private key pairs are stored in the given filename encrypted with some secret you choose. Note the default password in dev/dev.clj is just password so you will want to change that.


The node software is organized as a series of components that primarily communicate via a system queue. A scheduler runs a series of workers that process messages on the queue. The p2p and rpc components can submit work to the queue in response to external events.

The node state contains a transaction pool of outstanding transactions submitted to the network, a ledger reflecting a summary of all transaction history maintained on the chain and a collection of all blocks submitted to the network organized as the central chain data structure.


This software uses the Component framework to take advantage of the reloaded workflow. See http://thinkrelevance.com/blog/2013/06/04/clojure-workflow-reloaded for details.

To begin an instance of the development system described in dev/dev.clj, open a REPL and call (reset).

Copyright and License

Copyright © 2018 ralexstokes

MIT License. Refer to LICENSE in this repository for license info.