Qlik REST In Sense (otto) - a RESTful Engine API wrapper
Inspired by project chartcacher by Alexander Karlsson.
The intention was to provide an easy access to apps, objects and its data on a Qlik Sense server thru a REST API to integrate with other systems.
We at TIQ Solutions do provide a support and maintenance subscription for this project and also customization. There is also a commercial version on it's way having more endpoints and authentication.
See also: routes.js
GET /v1/docs - all docs on server, returns getDocList().qDocList
GET /v1/doc/{docId} - app layout, returns getAppLayout().qLayout
GET /v1/doc/{docId}/objects - all objects of app, returns getAllInfos().qInfos
GET /v1/doc/{docId}/serialize - serialize an app into a JSON object, more details here: mindspank/serializeapp
GET /v1/doc/{docId}/object/{objId} - object layout, returns getLayout().qLayout
GET /v1/doc/{docId}/object/{objId}/layout - layout data, returns getLayout().qLayout depending on object type it contains qHyperCube and qDataPages
GET /v1/doc/{docId}/object/{objId}/data - object data, returns first data page of either getLayout().qHyperCube or qListObject depending on object type chart/listbox, not data for pivot tables
GET /v1/doc/{docId}/object/{objId}/pivotdata - object data, returns getLayout().qPivotDataPages for pivot tables
GET /v1/doc/{docId}/object/{objId}/layers - object data, returns getLayout().layers for maps
POST /v1/doc/{docId}/hypercube - give a column list array or HyperCubeDef JSON as payload (request body) and get back the evaluated getLayout().qHyperCube, without data page
Examples for payload to define a hypercube:
- a list of columns as string, measures start with equal sign, all others are treated as dimensions (hint: use brackets for dimensions):
"[Case Owner Group]",
"=Avg([Case Duration Time])",
"=Count({$<Status -={'Closed'} >} Distinct %CaseId )"
- a list of NxDimension and NxMeasure structure objects, can be mixed with column strings like in 1.:
{"qDef": {"qFieldDefs": ["Case Owner Group"], "qFieldLabels": ["Group"]}},
{"qDef": {"qDef": "=Avg([Case Duration Time])", "qLabel": "Avg Case Duration Time"}},
{"qDef": {"qDef": "=Count({$<Status -={'Closed'} >} Distinct %CaseId )", "qLabel": "Open Cases"}}
- a HyperCubeDef (see link below)
See Qlik help also:
POST /v1/doc/{docId}/hypercube/size - give a give a column list array or HyperCubeDef JSON as payload (request body) and get back the evaluated size of getLayout().qHyperCube as the following JSON object:
"columns": 3,
"rows": 89,
"pages": 1
POST /v1/doc/{docId}/hypercube/json/{pageNo*} - give agive a column list array or HyperCubeDef JSON as payload (request body) and get back the evaluated getLayout().qHyperCube.qDataPages[0].qMatrix (the first data page or page number given as last URL param) transformed into a JSON collection of data rows (eg. easy to use with Qlik REST Connector), date and timestamps are delivered in UTC-time:
"Date": "2014-10-11T22:00:00.000Z",
"Cumulative New Cases": 4,
"Cumulative Closed Cases": 0
"Date": "2014-10-18T22:00:00.000Z",
"Cumulative New Cases": 5,
"Cumulative Closed Cases": 3
GET /wdc - Tableau WDC to connect q-risotto endpoint /v1/doc/{docId}/hypercube/json
cd sources
npm install
Copy the files manually with admin priviliges into
C:\Program Files\Qlik\Sense\ServiceDispatcher\Node\q-risotto\
Then append the following configuration options to
C:\Program Files\Qlik\Sense\ServiceDispatcher\services.conf
This will let the Service Dispatcher know how to run the module, this step has to be re-applied in an upgrade of Qlik Sense Server.
Adjust ./src/config/config.json
to work with a Qlik Sense Server like this:
"enigmaSchema": "enigma.js/schemas/12.34.11.json",
"engineHost": "<your Qlik Sense Server hostname or IP>",
"enginePort": 4747,
"globalAppId": "engineData",
"userDirectory": "Internal",
"userId": "sa_repository",
"certificatesPath": "C:/ProgramData/Qlik/Sense/Repository/Exported Certificates/.Local Certificates",
"port": 3000
Adjust ./src/config/config.json
to work with the dockerized QIX engine like this:
"enigmaSchema": "enigma.js/schemas/12.34.11.json",
"engineHost": "qix-engine",
"enginePort": 9076,
"globalAppId": "engineData",
"userDirectory": null,
"userId": null,
"certificatesPath": null,
"port": 3000
Use the docker-compose.yml
file provided in the repo and start it:
docker-compose up
See config.json for configurations.
Start on Qlik Sense server with npm start
or integrate into Qlik Sense ServiceDispatcher.
Navigate with browser or other tools to https://<qlik sense server name>:1338/<endpoint>
Test q-risotto API calls with Postman:
Use QlikView with the Qlik REST Connector to retrieve data from Qlik Sense:
Use q-risotto WDC with Tableau to retrieve data from Qlik Sense:
Use q-risotto in your R environment and retrieve data from Qlik Sense. Here you will find the R convenience package 'senser' to wrap q-risotto and complex Qlik structs like qHyperCubeDef:
Ralf Becher
Copyright © 2016 Ralf Becher
Released under the MIT license.