
tymlate is a folder structure template engine based on go template

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Folder structure aware template engine, that mirrors the source folder structure to target, while processing go template files.

You give me a structure source folder, that looks like a desired target, and I will:

  1. recreate the folder structure on target directory
  2. copy the files if it is not a template
  3. process template files to target

It is based on go template with addition of Sprig template functions (http://masterminds.github.io/sprig/).


Under release (https://github.com/ralgozino/tymlate/releases) pick the latest archive of apropritate flavor untar and copy tymlate to a folder that is on your PATH (on Linux e.g. /usr/local/bin).

Alternatively you can use go:

go get github.com/ralgozino/tymlate


  tymlate [flags]

  -c, --configuration string   path to configuration file
  -d, --datasource strings     Datasource in name=file format
  -h, --help                   help for tymlate
  -s, --source string          path to template source folder
  -t, --target string          path to target folder

In order to use tymlate you need:

  • folder containing source tree with files to be templated
    • from v1.1.0 even file or folder names can be templated
  • target folder where the files will be generated
  • configuration YAML inside of source folder with name .tymlate.yml or provided with -c flag
  • optionally data YAML files

Configuration file

Here is an example configuration file:

data: #direct data
    package: "github.com/ralgozino/tymlate"
    name: MyEzample
  Dat1: # the name of the map
    key1: "value1"
    key2: 22
    key3: true
    key11: "value eleven"
    key2: 23
    key3: false
  cfgName1: subcfg1.yml
  cfgNameTwo: subconf/subcfg2.yml
  - ".*\\.tpl"
  - ".*\\.go"
  - ".*\\.inv"
  suffix: ".tpl"
  processFilename: true


  1. data (optional): contains the variables to be used in context, from the example you would access {{.meta.name}} from your template
  2. include (optional): include additional yaml data files, the key will be the key from the yaml file (e.g. cfgName1)
  3. templates (required)
    1. includes - files to include (regexp)
    2. excludes - files to ignore (regexp)
    3. suffix (required): the template file suffix
    4. processFilename (optional): true if filenames and folder names should be processed as go templates (by default false)

Examples included

See: generator/testdata

Under the source you will find a source we use to test, and under target you can see the desired output. The configuration is provided in conf.yml

Step by step usage

  1. Create a template folder structure.
  2. Create a configuration that defines how to process the structure.
  3. Define folder structure
  4. Define context data file(s)
  5. Run tymlate with configuration

Let's assume you would like to generate this structure each time you have a new project:

|___ cmd /
|  |___ main.go
|___ model /
|  |___ model.go
|___ README.md
|___ Dockerfile
|___ go.mod

Template folder structure

Just create a structure that will be mirrored to target.

Decide on what will be the template file extension, we use .tpl in this example (see: tymlate/generator/testdata/source).

|___ cmd /
|  |___ main.go.tpl
|___ model /
|  |___ model.go.tpl
|___ README.md.tpl
|___ Dockerfile.tpl
|___ go.mod.tpl

Each template file (.tpl in this case), is a go template file.

It's just a go template

Each template file is "just" a go template.

Template functions included

We included Sprig (http://masterminds.github.io/sprig/) functions for your convenience.

Command line (cli) examples

The simplest case:

tymlate -s path/to/source -t path/to/target

In this case the configuration should be provided in .tymlate.yml file inside the source.

Simple case, with an external config:

tymlate -c path/to/config.yml -s path/to/source -t path/to/target

Additional data sources

tymlate -c path/to/config.yml -d ds=path/to/data.yml -s path/to/source -t path/to/target

More data sources

tymlate -c path/to/config.yml -d ds1=path/to/data1.yml -d ds2=path/to/data2.yml -s path/to/source -t path/to/target