
Playground for web components in Angular, create and expose a Web Component in Angular, consume a Web Component in Angular, consume a Web Component in vanilla Html and Javascript, style a Web Component via global css variables, slots and ::part

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Playground for web components in Angular.

Based on:

Angular web component

  • Install Angular CLI

npm install -g @angular/cli

  • Create an empty workspace

ng new ag-web-components --createApplication=false

cd ag-web-components

  • the project name that will contains all our web components

ng generate application WebComponents --skipInstall=true

  • Would you like to add Angular routing? No
  • Which stylesheet format would you like to use? SCSS

ng add @angular/elements

cd projects

cd web-components

cd src

cd app

ng generate component TextForm (NB. the Component suffix is added automatically)

Customize app.module for web components

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  entryComponents: [
  // optional: enable the bootstrap to debug the web component
  bootstrap: [TextFormComponent],
export class AppModule implements DoBootstrap {

  constructor(private injector: Injector) {
    const webComponent = createCustomElement(TextFormComponent, {injector});
    customElements.define('text-form', webComponent);

  ngDoBootstrap() {}
  • if in the index.html we replace app-root with app-text-form, enabling the bootstrap-ing in the NgModule, we can also debug the web-component. Just serve as usual:

ng serve WebComponents

Enabling support for slot

  • to be able to customize the web component behaviour via named slot, we need to switch the component's encapsulation to ShadowDom. Nb. If not, the slot content will be appended to the web component.

encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.ShadowDom,

  • and define a slot in the component html: <slot name="header"><p>Default text header</p></slot>

  • Then in the web component instance we can overwrite the default content, for example for a slot named "header":

  <span slot="header">My Custom Header</span>

Customize elements with part

  • to allow the web component consumer to customize the css, we should expose the allowed elements to be customized via the part declaration. NB. I just used the same name header here for part and slot, but you can use any name you want and they must not match.

  • part allow to style only that specific element, and doesn't allow to style his children. For that, take a look to exportparts and ::theme. For example: https://meowni.ca/posts/part-theme-explainer/

<slot name="header" part="header"><p>Default text header</p></slot>

  • and then customize the instances via css
#ctrl::part(header) {
  font-size: 32px;
  <text-form id="ctrl"></text-form>

Testing the web-component in vanilla html

  • Build the web component project

ng build WebComponents --configuration production --output-hashing none --output-path usage-vanilla/dist-static

  • install the serve package

npm install -g serve

  • Navigate inside the usage-vanilla folder

cd usage-vanilla

Serve the index.html


  • Open http://localhost:5000 in a browser

Using as Angular component from source code in a standard Angular application

ng generate application UsageAsAgComponent --skipInstall=true

  • in app.module.ts add TextFormComponent in declarations
  • use it using the angular selector (NB. not the web component name)
  • build or serve the Angular app

ng build UsageAsAgComponent

ng serve UsageAsAgComponent

Using as Web component in a standard Angular application

  • Build the web component project
  • Include the web component javascript output in angular.json > scripts > main.js

Then you can use the web component in two different ways:

1- You can use the web component in Angular Template, but you need to use ElementRef, addEventListener, in addition of some "manual handling" to listen to events. Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/41610950/3512682

2- My preferred way is to use an Angular directive to wrap the web component and use it as a Angular Form Control and benefit of the native Angular framework functionality, as validators, ngModel, etc. Based on https://coryrylan.com/blog/using-web-components-in-angular-forms