
A logo is one of the most important parts of a brand. It represents the original and unique symbol that reflects the value of the brand and creates a first impression on a cus- tomer. Small or large, whatever the proportion they may be, all activities - industrial,craft, commercial - shops, ser- vice firms, professional firms - all need a compelling, strong and recognizable logo that helps the business have more success, which is why creating an effective brand identity is essential. What we created is a Generative Adversarial Network [9] that can be used to generate random icons that can be used as inspiration or as a starting point for the creation of an original logo. In particular we have taken advantage of using convolutional layers to create a Deep Convolutional GAN (DCGAN) [5] that was able to analyze and extract high-level features from our dataset. Starting from a large pool of logos, the network develops various and heterogeneous examples which cover a lot of shapes and colors, from geometrical structures to figures that re- call little objects, animals and plants.

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