
Tools to run comparison tests with RALFit

Primary LanguageFortran

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A test bed for the Non-linear least-squares solver RALFit.


You will need to have installed:

To run

Control files

The control files are a list of default parameters, which are kept in the directory control_files. These can be re-generated easily by editing the file DEF, and then re-running the script write_standard_control_files.sh.

New control files can be made as needed. If (as is usually the case) only a small number of parameters need changing, these can be generated by using the script generate_control_files.py. Run generate_control_files.py --help for instructions.


This runs the specified solvers on a number of problems from CUTEst. This can be run by issuing, e.g., the command

./iteration_tests.py GaussNewton gsl

Detailed instructions, and more sophisticated options, are described in the help, accessed via

./iteration_tests.py --help


This runs the specified solvers on a single problem from CUTEst. This can be run by issuing, e.g., the command

./single_test_plots.py GaussNewton gsl -p ARGAUSS

Detailed instructions, and more sophisticated options, are described in the help, accessed via

./single_test_plots.py --help