
Django user audit utilities like logging user log in, disabling access when password expires or user is inactive.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Build Status PyPI

Django Useraudit is a small collection of user audit utilities containing:

  • log basic information about successful and failed login attempts to the database
  • disabling accounts of inactive users
  • disabling accounts of users who haven't changed their passwords frequently enough

Django Useraudit is developed at CCG, Murdoch University, Western Australia.


User login log

There are two log tables one for successful and one for failed logins.

Both logs contain the same information:

  • Username
  • IP address
  • Forwarded by
  • User Agent
  • Timestamp

Forwarded by is a comma-separated list of proxies that forwarded the request for you. The proxies are listed from closest to furthermost.

This field is important, because if you don't trust all the proxies in the list, then you can't rely on the IP Address being correct.

User and password expiry

The settings ACCOUNT_EXPIRY_DAYS and PASSWORD_EXPIRY_DAYS are provided for controling how frequently a user should log in and/or change their password before their account will be disabled.

The user accounts are disabled on user login by default. You can also run the disable_inactive_users from a cron job to disable inactive user accounts.

Login attempts limit

The setting LOGIN_FAILURE_LIMIT allows to enable a number of allowed login attempts. If the settings is not set or set to 0, the feature is disabled.

When the login failure limit is reached the user account will be deactivated. The useraudit.signals.login_failure_limit_reached signal is sent when this happens to allow for custom notification.


Has been developed and tested on Django 1.9, but should work on other versions too.

Django migrations and are provided to make schema changes easier.


You can install Django Useraudit from PyPI:

$ pip install django-useraudit


Adding the useraudit app

Add useraudit to your settings.INSTALLED_APPS:


You will run migrate to create/migrate the useraudit DB tables. Ex:

$ ./manage.py migrate useraudit

Model changes for password expiration

For password expiration to work we have to save the last time the users changed their password. Therefore a datetime field is needed that is associated with the User. However, Django allows two possible ways for you to extend your User model, Django custom auth models or a "user profile" model that is associated with a OneToOne field to the auth User model. Django Useraudit can't possibly know which methods (if any) your project is using therefore it can't create this field and the migration for it automatically. You will have to create the field and your migration manually as follows.

The filed definition in both cases should be a DateTimeField with auto_add_now, and null set to True. The recommended name is password_change_date, but that is customisable. Ex:

    password_change_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True)

Using a django custom auth model

Add the field definition to your custom auth user model and make your migrations. Edit your settings accordingly:

    AUTH_USER_MODEL = "yourapp.YourCustomUser"
    AUTH_USER_MODEL_PASSWORD_CHANGE_DATE_ATTR = "password_change_date"

Using a django user profile

Add the field definition to your user profile model and make your migrations. Set AUTH_USER_MODEL_PASSWORD_CHANGE_DATE_ATTR in your settings. The setting should be the complete "path" from the user object to the field you just added.

    AUTH_USER_MODEL_PASSWORD_CHANGE_DATE_ATTR = "yourprofile.password_change_date"

Changes in settings.py

Add useraudit.middleware.RequestToThreadLocalMiddleware to settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES:


Add useraudit.backend.AuthFailedLoggerBackend to settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS as the last element and useraudit.password_expiry.AccountExpiryBackend as the first element:


Configure the settings relevant to account and password expiry:

       # How long a user's password is good for. None or 0 means no expiration.
       # How long before expiry will the frontend start bothering the user
       # # Disable the user's account if they haven't logged in for this time
       # ACCOUNT_EXPIRY_DAYS = 100
       # Set to 0 disables the feature

Password expiration warnings in frontend code

You should add code to your frontend to warn the user if their password is due to expire. Otherwise one day they will be unable to login and won't know why.

Enabling the admin site for useraudit

In order to see the logs you will have to enable Django Admin at least for the useraudit application.

Head to the admin page of your project and see the logs "Failed login log" and "Login log" under the Useraudit app.

Cron job to disable inactive accounts (optional)

User accounts that have not been active for ACCOUNT_EXPIRY_DAYS will be deactivated the first time the user logs in. This means that you could have user accounts that are past their ACCOUNT_EXPIRY_DAYS, but still active, because the user haven't tried to log in after they account expired. In case this worries you, a cron job should be added that runs periodically to deactive expired user accounts.

The cron job should run the disable_inactive_users custom Django command.

Re-activate users

The activate_user custom Django management command can be used to re-activate users that have been locked out from the system.


Useraudit is set up to log all log in attempts for your project and expire user accounts.

In case you would like to know the technical details please go to the how it works page.

For developer specific information you probably also want to read the development page.

New releases will be announced on the releases page.