
A web service for generating passwords.

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

Password Factory

A web service for generating random passwords.

The web service has a landing page so that the user can interact with the service. The contents and style of the landing page is fully customizable through an external HTML template.

Here is a screen shot of the landing page:

Password Factory Web Service

Program Invocation

You can run the application manually or automatically during system startup. The source code distribution contains a template for a Systemd service.

Usage: password-factory [OPTION...]

The password factory application is a web service for generating random
passwords.  After starting the program, open a web browser and visit
‘’ or ‘’.  Sending the process
a HUP signal restarts the web service; a INT, QUIT, or TERM signal stops
the web service.

                    Port number for the HTTP server.  A value of zero
                    disables the HTTP server.  Default is 5776.
                    Port number for the HTTPS server.  A value of zero
                    disables the HTTPS server.  Default is 5777.
                    SSL certificate file name for the HTTPS server.
                    Default is ‘example.pem’ in the current working
                    SSL private key file name for the HTTPS server.
                    Default is ‘example.key’ in the current working
  --non-local-http, --local-http
                    Whether or not to only listen on IP address
                    for HTTP requests.  Enabled by default.
  --redirect-http-to-https, --no-redirect-http-to-https
                    Whether or not to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS.
                    Disabled by default.  This option only has an effect
                    if both protocols are enabled.
                    Top-level directory for the web servers.  Default
                    is the current working directory.
                    Top-level directory for HTML temmplate files.
                    Default is the current working directory.
  --version         Display version number information.
  --help            Display this help text.