
Authentication example based on Strapi and Angular

Primary LanguageTypeScript

HUXE 2020 Authenication Example

This project contains an auth module with the following features

  • Adds auth guards to redirect the user depending on its authentication state
  • Retrieves and stores the JWT token in the local storage
  • Adds a HTTP interceptor to append any existing JWT token and listens to token timeouts
  • Provides a login form
  • Provides a logout
  • Provides an auth-service that manages the user authentication

The project contains a very basic application layout with nested child routes.

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Starting the backend

  1. Go to https://strapi.io/documentation/developer-docs/latest/getting-started/quick-start.htm and setup a Strapi backend.
  2. Create a new user and give it the role Authenticated
  3. Add the backend URL to the environment*.ts files.

To start your backend again, navigate into the strapi-backend directory on your machine and use this command:

npm run develop