A Mastodon bot programmed in Node-Red to change the color of an RGB led strip via a toot with hashtag #tinkerlicht. Directly after tooting, the bot replies with a picture of the lights in the new color.
Example: https://botsin.space/@tinkerlicht
"Screams" are automatically imported to the Node-Red flow from the screams file in this repo. So you can add your own slogan and make a pull reqest to add your own funny quote ;-)
- Raspberry Pi (Zero W)
- Raspberry Pi Camera
- RGB Led strip
- Node-Red
- Extra nodes:
- node-red-node-pi-gpio
- node-red-contrib-mastodon
- node-red-contrib-camerapi
- node-red-node-pi-neopixel
To do:
- Dynamically set the Access Token properties of the Mastodon nodes. After this, I can publish the flow to this repository.
- Just like the screams, automaticalle import color names and codes from the colors file in this repo.