Install Script for iSpy Agent DVR Web Interface

install a rasbian lite on a 32GB SD card

mount the boot partition of the sd and add an empty file with the name "ssh"

put the SD in the raspi and boot

find the ip address of the pi:
  • either by login on to the router
  • or using nmap -sP
  • or if you connect a monitor log in with pi and raspberry and use "ip addr"

scp the and the ispyagent.service files to the pi and
like so:

scp ispyagent.service pi@:.

ssh into the pi:

ssh -lpi/p>
make the executable:

chmod +x

start the script with sudo:

sudo ./

installation takes about 2-3 minutes on a pi4 depending on internet speed
log into Agent DVR via your browser at http://:8090