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Create a Synapse Analytics environment based on best practices to achieve a successful proof of concept. While settings can be adjusted, the major deployment differences are based on whether or not you used Private Endpoints for connectivity. If you do not already use Private Endpoints for other Azure deployments, it's discouraged to use them for a proof of concept as they have many other networking depandancies than what can be configured here.

As customers mature in their cloud adoption journey, a customer’s Data Platform Organization will often seek advanced analytics capabilities as a strategic priority to deliver and enable business outcomes efficiently at scale. While there are a diverse set of data platform vendors available to deliver these capabilities (e.g., Cloudera, Teradata, Snowflake, Redshift, Big Query), customers frequently struggle with the process of developing a standard, repeatable approach for comparing and evaluating those platforms. As a result, a set of standard Industry benchmarks (e.g., TPC-DS) have been developed to test specific workloads and help the customer build a fact base which focuses on customer defined criteria to evaluate candidate analytic data platforms.

The proposed testing framework and artifacts can help account teams to accelerate and execute benchmark testing POC requests with industry-standard (e.g., TPC-DS) benchmark data to simulate a suite of standard data analytic workloads (e.g., loading, performance queries, concurrency testing), against a proposed Azure data platform (e.g., Azure Synapse), to obtain a representative evaluation metrics.

This repo will help the customer or account team to quickly address the following challenges.

  • Develop a reference architecture and automate the provisioning of resources required for benchmark testing tasks (e.g., data generation, batch loading, performance optimization, deployment).
  • Execute an evaluation for developing an objective assessment on key criteria such as performance and TCO.
  • Run proof-of-concepts to understand the platform capabilities - focusing on price-performance criteria and augmenting POC results with demos to the customer.


After completing this training, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate competitive price and performance of the Azure Synapse Analytics data platform.
  • Showcase the best practices for tuning and optimizing cloud data warehouse (e.g., cost-based query planning, automatic pipelined execution, polybase data loading).
  • Help customers properly frame out use case scenarios and choose data platforms which appeal to their specific requirements.
  • Highlight the trade-offs of using a data warehouse (e.g., Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool) compared to a data lake house (e.g., Synapse SQL Serverless). For example on one hand, data warehouses are excellent repositories for highly vetted, carefully conformed, modeled data used to drive reporting and/or operational dashboards. Data lake houses, on the other hand, can accommodate more data with a shorter on-boarding process, which is great for exploratory analytics and impromptu visualizations.
  • Clarify the fact that both data warehouse and data lake house models work well, deliver excellent results, can interface when needed, and work with the same BI tools. Furthermore, both solutions are cost effective, cloud-first, elastic, and agile.

How to Run

Module 1 - Azure Services Deployments

  • Azure Synapse Analytics Workspace
  • Azure Databricks
  • Azure Storage Accounts Gen2
  • Azure Log Analytics
  • Create a pipeline to auto pause/resume the Dedicated SQL Pool
  • Proper service and user permissions for Azure Synapse Analytics Workspace and Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2
  • Parquet Auto Ingestion pipeline to optimize data ingestion using best practices

Module 2 - Performance Testing Data Generation & Pipeline Ingestion

  • TPC–DSTesting Dataset Generation
  • Batch Data Loading Pipeline Creation for SQL Pool & Serevrless SQL
  • Serverless SQL External Tables and Views

Module 3 - Benchmark Testing Task Executions

  • Pipeline Batch Data Loading Executions
  • Apache JMeter Performance & Concurrency Testing Job Executions
  • Azure Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool vs SQL Serverless
  • Performance Testing Metrics Collections, e.g. Total & Average Execution Time
  • TCO Calculation