A node.js readable stream for mtgox, based on ws. Reports ticker, depth, trade and lag data in real time. Supports the bitcoin (BTC) channels from this list. Namecoin (NMC) and litecoin (LTC) are currently not traded on MtGox but might be in a near future.
Creates and returns a readable object stream. The options argument configures what type of data you are interested and have the following properties:
- currency
etc. Default is'USD'
. - ticker
Stream ticker data. Default istrue
. - depth
Stream depth data, i.e. buys and sells on the market. Default isfalse
. - trade
Stream trade data, i.e. actual transactions between buyers and sellers. Default isfalse
. - lag
Stream lag data. Default isfalse
. - restart_interval
Time interval in ms. Restart stream after no new data delay. Default is30000
Returns an array of currencies that are available on MtGox.
Pipe 'USD'
ticker data to stdout:
var gox = require('goxstream')
Pipe 'EUR'
depth data to file:
var gox = require('goxstream')
var fs = require('fs')
var options = { currency: 'EUR', ticker: false, depth: true }
npm install goxstream
Here's a brief summary on the different json blobs.
All objects under 'ticker'
have the same properties as 'high'
, e.g. 'value'
, 'value_int'
"channel": "d5f06780-30a8-4a48-a2f8-7ed181b4a13f"
, "channel_name": "ticker.BTCUSD"
, "op": "private"
, "origin": "broadcast"
, "private": "ticker"
, "ticker": {
"high": {
"value": "115.84000"
, "value_int": "11584000"
, "display": "$115.84000"
, "display_short": "$115.84"
, "currency": "USD"
, "low": {}
, "avg": {}
, "vwap": {}
, "vol": {}
, "last_local": {}
, "last_orig": {}
, "last_all": {}
, "last": {}
, "buy": {}
, "sell": {}
, "item": "BTC"
, "now": "1368096380598414"
"channel": "24e67e0d-1cad-4cc0-9e7a-f8523ef460fe"
, "channel_name": "depth.BTCUSD"
, "op": "private"
, "origin": "broadcast"
, "private": "depth"
, "depth": {
"price": "92"
, "type": 2
, "type_str": "bid"
, "volume": "14.28693815"
, "price_int": "9200000"
, "volume_int": "1428693815"
, "item": "BTC"
, "currency": "USD"
, "now": "1368097807984368"
, "total_volume_int": "84559126689"
"channel": "dbf1dee9-4f2e-4a08-8cb7-748919a71b21"
, "channel_name": "trade.BTC"
, "op": "private"
, "origin": "broadcast"
, "private": "trade"
, "trade": {
"type": "trade"
, "date": 1368098037
, "amount": 1.86011338
, "price": 111.09999
, "tid": "1368098037413285"
, "amount_int": "186011338"
, "price_int": "11109999"
, "item": "BTC"
, "price_currency": "USD"
, "trade_type": "bid"
, "primary": "Y"
, "properties": "market"
"channel": "85174711-be64-4de1-b783-0628995d7914"
, "channel_name": "trade.lag"
, "op": "private"
, "origin": "broadcast"
, "private": "lag"
, "lag": {
"qid": "26dc2324-e790-47e8-aef7-e0a1f0633589"
, "stamp": "1368098833428529"
, "age":47058