
jQuery plugin for showing images like flickr's justified view

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Flowr is a jquery plugin to show your content in a justified view. This plugin tries to emulate the way images are displayed on flickr's favorites and groups pages.




  1. Load content from a json into a justified view, all you need to do is pass original sizes.
  2. You can append more items to existing view and content will just flow.

Example 1

	data : jsonContent,
	height : 240,
	render : function(params) {
		return "<img src='" + params.itemData.url + "' />";

Example 2

	data : jsonContent,
	height : 240,
	render : function(params) {
		return "<img src='" + params.itemData.url + "' />";
	itemHeight : function(data) { return data.size.height; },
	itemWidth : function(data) { return data.size.width; },

Appending data

	data : jsonContent,
	append : true

All options

  • data - (array) - Pass data/items to be rendered as an array. Each item will be made available for your callback.
  • padding - (pixels) - spacing between items
  • height - (pixels) - minimum height of each row
  • render - (function) - callback to fetch HTML
  • append - (bool) - true for appending more items
  • widthAttr - (string) - by default flowr tries to pick up width attribute. if your data structure has a different attribute, specify it.
  • heightAttr - (string) - as above
  • itemWidth - (function) - callback to fetch width. arg.itemData will contain your initial data
  • itemHeight - (function) - callback to fetch height
  • complete - (function) - on render complete callback
  • rowClassName - (css class) - css class for div which wraps each row
  • maxWidth - (pixels) - Width of container. Defaults to container's width
  • maxScale - (number) - If the last line has only 1 or 2 elements, what is the max scale to be allowed.