
:sunglasses: Combining A-Frame VR with React.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Bridging A-Frame with React.

aframe-react is a thin layer on top of A-Frame, which is an entity-component-system-based layer on top of three.js. It serializes objects, passed as props, to strings understandable by A-Frame components:

<Entity geometry={{primitive: 'box', width: 5}}/>
// to:
<Entity geometry="primitive: box; width: 5"/>

See the aframe-react-boilerplate for example usage.


aframe-react can be installed through npm.

npm install --save aframe-react

aframe-react does not come with the aframe library. We will have to require that alongside aframe-react. Check out the boilerplate to see how to get everything set up with Webpack.

import 'aframe';
import {Entity, Scene} from 'aframe-react';

class ExampleScene extends React.Component {
  render () {
    return (
        <Entity geometry={{primitive: 'box'}} material="color: red" position={[0, 0, -5]}/>


aframe-react ships with a Scene React component and an Entity React component, which are all we really need.

Note the difference between React components and A-Frame components. A-Frame components refers to components of the entity-component-system pattern.

<Scene {...components}/>

The Scene React component is a thin wrapper around <a-scene>. The scene holds <Entity/>s:

Event Description
onLoaded onLoaded handler is called once scene has loaded all entities.

<Entity {...components}/>

The Entity React component is a wrapper around <a-entity>. Entity handles serialization of A-Frame components. A-Frame components can then be passed via props either via object or string.

<Entity geometry={{primitive: 'box'}} material='color: red'/>


Event Description
onLoaded onLoaded handler is called when entity is loaded.

<Animation {...attributes}/>

The Animation React component is a thin wrapper around <a-animation>.

<Animation attribute="rotation" dur="10000" repeat="indefinite" to="0 360 360"/>


Event Description
onAnimationEnd onAnimationEnd handler is called when animation ends.
onAnimationStart onAnimationStart handler is called when animation starts.