- The visualization (see here)
- The IPython notebooks explanation of code
- Exploring Candidate classification (Machine learning)
- Exploring Sentiment analysis (Machine learning)
- Visualizing Sentiment and Candidates
- Exploring Topic modeling with Word2Vec
- Evaluating SentiWordNet Lexicon
: Matrix factorization for topic extraction in the debateratings.py
: Helpful utility for handling Amazon Mechanical Turks ratingsPolitweet.py
: Main utilities for extracting tweets and debates. Contains pre-processing partsentiment.py
: Sentiment classification with Rule-based system and ML techniquescandidates_class.py
: Candidate classification with Rule-based system and ML techniquestopic_extraction.py
: Word2Vec for topic extractiontranscript.py
: Cleaning the debate transcript with spell check and heuristicsstatic/
: Folder that contains our HTML visualization with AngularJSSentiWordNet/
: Folder using our SentiWordNet implementations