A python module to split file into multiple chunks based on the given size.
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Got recursion error while splitting huge file
#23 opened by boskuv - 3
- 1
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Python standard library
#18 opened by dmgolembiowski - 1
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Question on maximum split files
#27 opened by RonDavis2112 - 1
Feature Request: Configurable file names
#17 opened by LulaSvob - 1
distutils is deprecated in Python 3.10
#20 opened by tirkarthi - 2
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- 1
import name 'Filesplit' Error
#15 opened by aimanmutasem - 1
Unable to open splitted zip files
#14 opened by siddhant777 - 1
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Split size not the right size
#13 opened by vandoeselaar - 1
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Split Functions
#10 opened by mrinalinigarg - 4
Feature request: unsplit()
#7 opened by pranjalchaubey - 1
Issue with 'path/to/file' parameters
#9 opened by talktotyagi - 0
Feature request: resumable split
#5 opened by tarantegui - 2
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getting an error during the installation
#1 opened by kosturdurma