
Spring Cloud Stream with Confluent Cloud PoC

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Cloud Stream - Schema Registry Integration

Running the following steps it's possible to launch 2 Spring Cloud Stream applications, the first one will generate and consumer random "sensor" data produced with the first version of a schema. The second one will produce messages with an updated version of the schema, these messages will be read by the previous consumer as well.

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Export variables

export SR_URL=
export SR_API_KEY=

Maven Avro Plugin

Both projects make use of the Avro Maven Plugin, It's possible to generate automatically the sensor POJO using the code below. mvn install it's needed to run the generation of the code.


Create both producer and consumer using schema v1

Run application v1 on one shell and keep it running.

cd v1
mvn install
mvn spring-boot:run

Set FORWARD Compatibility Mode

We are going to add 2 new fields to our object and we'll upgrade the producer first. Let's set FORWARD compatibility mode.

curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.schemaregistry.v1+json" \
       --data '{"compatibility": "FORWARD"}' \
       -u ${SR_API_KEY}:${SR_API_SECRET} \

curl -u $SR_API_KEY:$SR_API_SECRET $SR_URL/config/sensor-data-value

Create producer only using schema v2

Run application v2 on one shell and keep it running.

cd v2
mvn install
mvn spring-boot:run


We have one subject sensor-data-value with schema at version 1 and version 2.

curl -u $SR_API_KEY:$SR_API_SECRET $SR_URL/subjects/sensor-data-value/versions
curl -u $SR_API_KEY:$SR_API_SECRET $SR_URL/subjects/sensor-data-value/versions/1 | jq
curl -u $SR_API_KEY:$SR_API_SECRET $SR_URL/subjects/sensor-data-value/versions/2 | jq

We were able to run at the same time:

  • 2 producers, one using schema version 1 and another using schema version 2
  • 1 consumer, reading messages using schema version 1