
Disables blacklisting of user hosted imagery on Google Cloud Storage

I think the below lines summarize my thinking behind writing this, without going into the ugliness of the whole situation.

A little less conversation, a little more action, please

All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me
A little more bite, a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark

Quote by Some wise dude :)


The layers show up in the imagery menu like below.

gcs imagery ui

Dev Setup

This unorthodox setup was because my macosx java build broke, so I had to use docker based linux to make things work.

And then at the same time apt-get update refused to work inside my docker containers.. I suspect Jio messing with my packets.

One time setup

  • Download gradle

    • run ./
    • gradle ends up in opt/ folder
  • Setup project

    • run ./ gradle init
    • sets up the necessary gradlw wrapper scripts
  • Adjust for project requirements

    • add stub folder structure in src/ folder
    • adjust build.gradle.kts
    • add releases.yml file
    • run ./ ./gradlew localdist

Add Code, build and test

  • Run ./ to build, requires a github token at token.txt for some reason I don't remember
  • start JOSM
  • Add build/localDist/list to your plugin sources in JOSM - one time setup