
This is the common software analysis package of the Forward and Small-x QCD group in the CMS experiment at CERN aimed to process LHC Run2 data.

Primary LanguagePython


This is the common software analysis package of the Forward and Small-x QCD group in the CMS experiment at CERN to process LHC Run2 data.

For more information regarding this framework, please look at the following pages:
https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/FSQCommonFW (General analysis use) https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/FSQCommonFWTutorialP2 (information on how to create your own skims/code)

Twiki page with existing skims:

Special tutorial session on how to work with python analyzers:

Or look into the /Core/doc directory for information.

Compatibility and Usage

This master branch was used during the inital development phase with early Run II data in CMSSW 6 or 7 releases. As new CMSSW versions were released the compatibility of this framework and proper data analysis required the usage of different branches with developments tailored to a particular CMSSW release.

This master branch is thus not updated, but several other branches are, each for a different CMSSW release cycle.

Current branches:

  • CMSSW_74X: intended for early Run II 2015 data analysis/development. Should be superseded by CMSSW_76X branch.
  • CMSSW_76X: use it for Run II 2015 data analysis.
  • CMSSW_80X: use it for Run II 2016 data analysis.
  • CMSSW_92X: was intended for development.
  • CMSSW_101X: was intended for development (and early Run II 2018 data analysis). Should be superseded by CMSSW_103X branch.
  • CMSSW_103X: use it for Run II 2018 data analysis.

For use with CMSSW: clone this repository in your CMSSW/src directory and compile with scram b.