
Sky Lisbon Hackathon - Sky Package Tracking

Primary LanguagePython

What is this

Sky Package Tracking (skypt) is an idea to improve the experience of Sky Staff when receiving packages.

The objective is:

  • Easier and faster package registration for the security guard.
  • Package arrival notification for the recipient.

How it should work

  1. Package arrives.
  2. Security Guard logs in to the application.
  3. Security Guard takes photo in application.
  4. Security Guard fills in the recipient name.
  5. Security Guard confirms Package Registration.
  6. Sky Staffer receives notification e-mail (optionally slack).
  7. Sky Staffer goes to the Security Guard.
  8. Sky Staffer logs in to the application.
  9. Sky Staffer marks the package as Retrieve.
  10. Security Guard checks Package Retrieve List, compares Package Photo against package and delivers the package to Sky Staffer.


  • SSL @ramalhais-sky
  • Valid SSL Certificate @ramalhais-sky
  • Microsoft/Azure sky.uk authentication @ramalhais-sky
  • Photo Capture
    • Web @ramalhais-sky
    • Android
    • iOS
  • Upload foto
    • Backend
    • Web
    • Firefox @ramalhais-sky
    • Android
    • iOS
  • Register package
    • Backend
    • Web
    • Android
    • iOS
  • List user packages
    • Backend
    • Web
    • Android
    • iOS
  • Security Guard Login
    • Backend
    • Web
    • Android
    • iOS
  • Authentication: Register package
  • Authentication: List user packages
  • Android App @sky-philipalmeida
  • iOS App @dfloureiro
  • App notification
    • Backend
    • Web
    • Android
    • iOS
  • Powerpoint Presentation/Demo

Nice to Have

  • App running on Docker
  • DB running on Docker
  • App running on IMP/PIQ kubernetes
  • DB running on IMP/PIQ kubernetes
  • IMP/PIQ DNS/Ingress/F5
  • e-mail notification to user


  • Sky Staffer: add tracking number of an expected package
  • Security Guard: List expected tracking numbers and select to register
  • Sky Staffer: add slack username and receive slack notification
  • Allow user to add tracking number using a bot in slack

Crazy Ideas


Markdown cheat-sheet


Install latest python


Upgrade PIP

python -m pip install --upgrade pip


pip install mysqlclient


    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'OPTIONS': {
            'read_default_file': 'my.cnf',
        'NAME': 'skypt',
        'HOST': os.getenv('MYSQL_HOST'),
        'USER': os.getenv('MYSQL_USER'),
        'PASSWORD': os.getenv('MYSQL_PASSWORD'),
TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/Lisbon'
export MYSQL_DB="skypt"
export MYSQL_HOST="localhost"
export MYSQL_USER="skypt"
create database skypt;
create user 'skypt'@'%' identified by 'XXX';
grant all privileges on skypt.* to 'skypt'@'%';

Install Django

python -m pip install Django

>>> import django
>>> print(django.get_version())

Create Django Project and App

django-admin startproject skypt

cd skypt
python manage.py startapp package_tracking

Setup Django Database

python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate

Create Superuser

python manage.py createsuperuser

HTML photo capture


Microsoft/Azure Authentication (SSO)

pip install django_microsoft_auth

Create app registration in azure

Django Static files


Django SSL

pip install django-sslserver

SSL Certificate (letsencrypt)

Start HTTPS server with certificate

python manage.py runsslserver --certificate ../crt --key ../key

Start HTTPS server with self-signed certificate

python manage.py runsslserver

Start HTTP server (no HTTPS/SSL)

python manage.py runserver