RAGA UI is a CSS component library, comes with pre-defined CSS classes which helps in building websites on the go.
To use RAGA UI in your project include below CDN in HTML header
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://ragaui.netlify.app/Components.css" />
- Avatar
- Alert
- Badge
- Button
- Card
- Grid
- Image
- Input
- List
- Modal
- Nav-bar
- Rating
- Toast
- Utilities
- One design system across all components.
- CSS classes can be used independtly of the components.
- Components are designed based on functionality requirements.
- Cross platform.
- Can be used with other libraries.
- Customization is possible to change the layouts based on requirements.
- Size varients available for different screen sizes
RAGA follows Analogous color scheme, Below is the color palette, used by RAGA, listed with the hex-codes.
Color | Hex |
--praimry-color | #6366F1 |
--praimry-alert | #F44336 |
--praimry-success | #4CAF50 |
--praimry-warning | #FF9800 |
<span class="alert primary">Primary! This is a Primary Alert - Check it now!</span>
<span class="alert error">Error! This is an Error Alert - Check it now!</span>
<span class="alert success">Success! This is a Success Alert - Check it now!</span>
<span class="alert warning">Warning! This is a Warning Alert - Check it now!</span>
Interested in contributing to this repo? Submit a PR for a new feature/bug fix.
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at @ramalinga.kalagotla@gmail.com