
  • 可以使用el-table/el-pagination/el-form的所有@事件
  • 增加了@reset, @goSearch
  • customQuery 不用渲染form的时候用的筛选条件
  • selectUnique 在使用选择框的时候,独一份的选择结果的obj,sync属性

api 调用需要传入 apiFn

formData使用 .sync 方式传入,可以互动成功

pagerAttrs .sync 方式传入,可以互动成功

属性说明 about Props

    * 开启选择框单选时,emit 最后一个选择 selectUnique.sync 接收
    * when el-table selection prop is enabled, selectUnique.sync will receive the last choice
  selectUnique: {
    type: Object
    * 用于显示总条数
    * sometimes we need to get the total amount after a success request, totalCount.sync prop will receive the number
  totalCount: {
    type: Number,
    default: 0
    * API函数 给个参数位置 apiFn(param)
    * 在父组件中调用可以用 apiFn(params) => otherFn(params, args)
    API function (param)
    complicated use e.g.
  apiFn: {
    type: Function
    * 是否使用分页器
    * use pagination or not
  hasPager: {
    type: Boolean,
    default: true
    * 分页插件配置
    * el-pagination config
  pagerAttrs: {
    type: Object,
    default: () => {
      return {};
    * 不用渲染form的时候用的参数条件,任意参数为空,将不发请求,需要手动
    * some static params without rendering a form
    * [ Warning: an empty key-value will stop the request ]
  customQuery: {
    type: Object,
    default: () => {
      return {};
    * 表格配置项
    * el-table props accepted
  tableAttrs: {
    type: Object,
    default: () => {
      return {};
    * 表单
    * alias el-form model
  formData: {
    type: Object,
    default: () => {
      return {};
    * 表格列表需要自己组装的数据结构
    * when http-response brings you a complicated Object, you can use this functional prop format the response
  filterOut: {
    type: Function
    * 是否需要查询按钮
    * whether you need search buttons
  hasSearchBtn: {
    type: Boolean,
    default: true


  tableAttrs {
    ...{ /* el-table props */ },
        col: {
          // all el-table-column props besides the below props
          // 包含除了以下4个的所有el-table-column属性
        label, // 
        prop,  // 
        render, // vue.$createElement. (first class) 是一个h函数,来自vue.$createElement,优先显示html标签
        formatter // a simple function. (enable without render) 普通函数,用于改变字符串
        type: selection
        type: "index" // (just index) 序号
        type: operation,
        btns: [
          prop: row => { props },
          text: 'btn text',
          atClick: click event


  prop: (row: any) => {
    return {
      disabled: row.status === '1',
      type: 'text'
  show: (row: any) => row.name !== 1,
  text: 'comments',
  atClick: (row: RowType) => console.log(row)


 tableAttrs: {
  border: true,
  size: 'small',
  'row-class-name': ({ rowIndex }) => {
    if (rowIndex % 2 === 1) {
      return 'dark';
  columns: [
      type: 'selection'
      type: 'index'
      col: {
        sortable: true
      prop: 'date',
      label: 'Date',
      formatter: row => new Date().toLocaleString()
      col: {
        width: '180px'
      prop: 'name',
      label: 'Name'
      prop: 'address',
      label: 'Addr',
      render: (h, row) => h('div', {
        attrs: {
          class: 'box'
      }, 'msg')
      type: 'operation',
      btns: [
          prop: row => {
            return {
              disabled: row.status === 1
          text: 'Delete',
          atClick: row => console.log(row)