
Vaadin 23+ with Embedded Jetty using Gradle

Primary LanguageJava

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Vaadin Boot Example App using Gradle

A demo project showing the possibility of running a Vaadin app from an embedded Jetty, as a simple main() method. Written in Java. Uses Vaadin Boot. Requires Java 17+.

Both the development and production modes are supported. Also, the project demoes packaging itself into a zip file containing a list of jars and a runner script. See "Packaging for production" below for more details.

Looking for Vaadin 14 Gradle version? Please see vaadin14-boot-example-gradle

Looking for Vaadin 24 Maven version? Please see vaadin-boot-example-maven

See the live demo at v-herd.eu/vaadin-boot-example-gradle/


Please see the Vaadin Boot documentation on how you run, develop and package this Vaadin-Boot-based app.

Native Mode

Alpha quality. Demoes a preliminary support for GraalVM native mode. At the moment doesn't work: Jetty #9514. See Vaadin Boot #10 and Vaadin Boot: Native for more details.

Quick steps:

  1. Install GraalVM as per https://graalvm.github.io/native-build-tools/latest/gradle-plugin-quickstart.html
  2. git clone https://github.com/mvysny/vaadin-boot-example-gradle
  3. git checkout native
  4. ./gradlew clean build nativeCompile -Pvaadin.productionMode
  5. cd build/native/nativeCompile/
  6. Run the vaadin-boot-example-gradle binary