
A LaTeX template for NUS Masters/PhD theses

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

National University of Singapore (NUS) LaTeX template

A LaTeX template following NUS specifications for Masters/ PhD theses.


on *nix

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ramananbalakrishnan/nus-thesis-latex-template/master/nus-thesis-latex-template.tar.gz
tar xvzf nus-thesis-latex-template.tar.gz
cd nus-thesis-latex-template
# <edit thesis_contents.tex to your liking>
# <add your references to reference_list.bib>
# <the ./make command accepts an (optional) argument denoting the filename (if different from thesis_contents.tex)>

on Windows

Install TexLive Download nus-thesis-latex-template.tar.gz and unzip to a folder Edit the .tex and .bib files Use pdflatex / bibtex to build the files

Recommended setup: TexLive + Texworks


Ramanan Balakrishnan


This work is based on the unofficial-nus-thesis-org-latex-template developed by bowenli37


MIT License