HTML Imports


Html Imports solves the problems when building static webpages which shares code. While building static sites a lot of code is copy-pasted in multiple files. For example header. Header is common across the site. But all xxxx.html will have a <header>...</header> code it. Html imports solves this problem and give you easy syntax to create dynamic pages solely on client side.


  1. Bower bower install --save html-imports
  2. Browser <script async src="./path/html-imports"></script>

How to use


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <!-- Add <import> where you want the component -->
    <import href="./path/partials/header.html"></import>
    <!-- Add library at the end of page [important] -->
    <script src="bower_components/html-imports/html-imports.js">


<header> This is Header </header>


  1. Remove duplicate AJAX call for same component.