
Chat Client application with Apache Kafka

Primary LanguageJava

Kafka Chat

simple IRC chat with Apache Kafka


  • 13512078 Ramandika Pranamulia
  • 13512086 Stanley Santoso


Each nickname will be a client in a consumer group. That consumer group will subscribe to some specific topics contains a partition only. The list of channel a user join will not be saved in Kafka, the only one being saved is the offset of message a consumer group has by zookeper. Therefore if a user logout and join with the same nickname he/she will get message that he/she has left behind when he/she logged-out.

Assume stanley joins pat and if4031

When a user types `/JOIN` or `/LEAVE`, it will create a connector for that specific channel and save it into Map<String,Connector> connectors
and after joining a channel it gives the connector handler to a thread and start listening. If a topic doesn't exist the client will create a topic with the same name that intended at /JOIN

/JOIN tbd Client ######################################

connectors.add("tbd",connector) # -> add connector handler to specific topic/channel

ThreadConsumer t=new ThreadConsumer(chname,connector);#

Thread thread = new Thread(t);



/LEAVE tbd Client ################################## #connector.shutdown() # -> will stop listening to that channel and exit thread #connectors.remove("tbd") # -> remove from map ##################################

When a user sends a message, it will create a kafka producer which will send the message to the associated
channel. One channel represented as one kafka topic. The topic must be exist since they tried to create the topic at join time if 
te topic doesn't exit

@pat hello Client Server ############################################### ###########################

producer = create kafka producer # # Topic pat:

record = new ProducerRecord("pat","hello") # -> # message:

producer.send(record) # # hello

############################################### ###########################

When the user types `/EXIT`, all the connectors will be shutdown and connectors map will be cleared.

Available commands

  1. /NICK <nickname>: give your own nickname
  2. /NICK: give random nickname provided by the application
  3. /JOIN <channelname>: join current nickname to channelname
  4. /LEAVE <channel>: leave current nickname from channel
  5. /EXIT: terminate the application
  6. @<channelname> <any_text> send any_text to channelname
  7. <any_text> send any_text to all channels joined by the user.

Running Program

  1. Install maven
  2. Import bin ke $PATH dan pastikan $JAVA_HOME berisi alamat jdk yang akan digunakan
  3. jalankan perintah mvn clean install, jika terjadi error ubah target jdk pada pom.xml sesuai dengan versi jdk pada JAVA_HOME
  4. jalankan perintah mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="Client"
  5. Ketikkan perintah yang tersedia