This is the first example to demonstrate the docker usage:
- create a package
- create a docker image
- Host image on repository
- run image on target machine
Here I have created a very simple python script [] which prints "This is first exmaple for docker image creation and deployment". Your application can be as simple as a print statement or very complex the steps remains almost the same.
This file will have all the commands/instructions one need to follow in order to run the application. To run a python file one would need:
- python
- copy the file to the container
- run the file using python ./
This is what is being done in the three liner Dockerfile in this project. Again this file will change and evolve as the application becomes more complex and have more dependencies.
In order to create the docker image, enter the project directory and execute docker build -t docker_first_ex .
-t: allows you to decide the name of the image . : This is the path from where docker will collect all the files. A dot represents present directory.
You will see docker processing the steps inside Dockerfile and output something like:
Successfully built 42a9c1fe3101 Successfully tagged docker_first_ex:latest
docker image ls -a
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE docker_first_ex latest a2143aa55673 8 seconds ago 925MB
Create and account or sign in to using your username and password. This will be used to check that the image os pushed to the dockerhub.
Login to dockerhub using commandline
docker login username: password:
docker tag docker_first_ex:latest docker_first_ex:0.0.0 left one is old image_name:tag, right is new image_name:tag
Change the tag so that it has your username docker tag a2143aa55673 docker_user_name/docker-first-ex
docker push docker_user_name/docker-first-ex
Now look for your image details and statistics on page.