Tinyurl Service.
Quick Start
- Docker
Technologies used
- Java
- SpringBoot
- Maven
- Docker
- Cassandra
Launch the development environment with Docker
- Clone the git repo
- To start the app
cd tinyurl docker-compose -f deployments/docker-compose.yml up
- The first build takes time as maven needs to download the dependencies.
Accessing the service using rest
To create short url for the long url
curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8082/shorten' \ --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' \ --data-raw 'https://github.com/ramarvab/tinyurl' Output: { "shortUrl": "http://localhost:8082/7kERuwNf", "longUrl": "https://github.com/ramarvab/tinyurl", "creationDate": "2020-10-30T11:47:14.972+00:00" }
To redirect the short url to long url
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8082/7kERuwNf' or paste the url in the browser http://localhost:8082/7kERuwNf
To know how many times the short url was accessed in last N days
last 24 hours curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8082/stats/7kERuwNf?days=1' last one week curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8082/stats/7kERuwNf?days=7' All time curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8082/stats/7kERuwNf output: StatsInfo{url='wFQZYUnd', accessed=2, days='7'}
Tinyurl service converts the given longurl into short url which is of 8 characters.
For example if we shorten the longurl
we would get
This service will be read heavy as there are lot of redirection requests compared to new Url shortenings.
Goals of the system
This service has 3 api functions
- Converts given long url to short url.
- Redirects the given short url to long url
- Get stats for the short url. How many times the short url has been accessed in last 24 hours, last week and all time.
Database Design
Created two tables for storing information about url mappings and one for url stats
CREATE TABLE url_store(shortUrl Text PRIMARY KEY, longUrl Text, creationDate timestamp);
create Table url_stats(urlid Text,
accessed_date date,
accessed_timestamp timestamp,
primary key ((accessed_date),urlid,accessed_timestamp))
For url stats table to use greater than or less than queries the table was clustered on urlid and timestamp as primary key column doesn't support those type of queries in cassandra
As we store billions of rows and we don't need to use relationship between two objects, I used NoSql database like cassandra for storing the information
The data is persisted in local machine to avoid data loss when docker machine restarts.
Creating ShortUrl
- Used apache commons library for generating 8 bit random string for the given long url.
- The key is generated using alphanumeric characters [A-Z, a-z, 0-9]. This would generate 62^8 combinations which would result in roughly 250 trillion possible keys which would suffice for our system.
- In case of key collision, the application returns error. Instead of that we can keep generating keys until there is no collision. This approach will increase the latency of the appliication as we need to keep checking the key in the database until we found a valid key.
- Another approach can be keep generating keys offline and use the pregenerated key for the url service. This will improve the speed and latency of the application.
- Better exception handling and writing test cases.
- Use consistent hashing for partitioning the data as Range based or Hashbased partitioning can lead to skewness in the partitions because of hot url which generates most of the traffic.
- For caching, we can use Least Recently Used eviction policy because for our service 80% of the traffic will be generated for top 20% of the urls.